
Rats are a special huntable in that they do not give carcasses to use in the butcher, but they do give you special ingredients which give higher bonuses when researched in the alchemy station, than any other ingredients in the system.

This product comes in a pack of 5 rats. They will run away at maximum speed when you approach, so you will need your weapon at the ready and drawn to be able to hit these in time before they vanish.

You can set respawn points on your animals so that they will spawn in different parts of your land or perhaps spawn into groups in specific areas where they are more likely to congregate.

You will need a weapon to hunt animals, such as a sword or a bow. The Ranger profession will earn CXP with every kill of these animals.

Price: L$200
Markeplace Listing: Click

CXP Reward: 1
Respawn Rate: 5 minutes
