Our Team

Meet the people Behind The Scenes

The following members of the Second Life community are the people behind the scenes who are working and have worked extremely hard to bring to you SL Colonies.

Temujin Calidius (attila.katana)

While I am the initial mind behind the creation of SL Colonies, we would not have gotten where we are today without the great team backing me up. Mind you, it took almost a year to find the right guys for the job and many months went there where there was no progress what so ever before finding these brilliant, passionate people.

Many people in Second Life have the skills and ability, however RL always comes first and only a select few can commit to such a project on a full time basis and really put in the hours into something like this to make it come to fruition.

I cannot thank the guys below, Drakkhis and Joel for being here and for making this a reality!

If you’d like to read more into why I decided to create SL Colonies and what the ideas behind it were, please read the Introduction section.

Drakkhis Skaeren (drakkhis resident)

Lead Developer Drakkhis is from Belgium (originally the U.S.) and it’s unbelievable how much we see eye to eye on so many aspects of the system. In many ways, he’s come up with brilliant ideas which has made SL Colonies into something even more brilliant and intense than even I had originally anticipated.

He had challenged himself in areas that he had never attempted before and learned new languages and scripting methods to make this all work.

We have brought things into SL that we would think not possible and would belong in a full fledged MMORPG. But guess what - it’s happened, and it’s here!

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