Upcoming Releases

It’s been a terrific release of our open beta with lots of updates and fixes being rolled out.

We’ve seen some great roleplay sims join our system and setting up active villages and communities.

This week we released a new HUD with more features which you can read about in the changelogs, as well as the herbalism table with currently 11 types of potions a player can make. This profession so far has recipes at the highest level, including 1 recipe at level 4 which is a legendary potion known as the Death Potion. Have a guess at what this one does?

We’ve also seen a new system being released which is the Compass which goes along with Herbalism. Where players can find various ingredients which are used in the mixing of potions. Players will also find items they can consume on the spot without crafting to boost things like energy, health and accidently get themselves poisoned.

Upcoming over the next month players can expect to see:

  • Butchering Table and ability to slaughter their farm animals.
  • Huntable animals. We will release the Wolf and the Deer to the public. We will release new smith and carpentry recipes with this one, including bows, arrows and swords!
  • Potato spuds for the Large Field which will come with new alchohol recipes and cooking recipes.
  • Coin Mint for sim specific currency. A whole new system is being implemented for this one, so stay tuned!
  • This coin system will mark the release of the rental system which will allow shops and homes to be rented out using any coins chosen by sim owner. As well as a new release of the vendor scripts which will come at a cheaper price for regular players to purchase and use for their shop fronts.

We look forward to releasing these all out to you and bringing you much more fun!

Closed Beta Update

Closed beta has been a little slow during the holiday season which was as expected. ...

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